2009年5月26日 星期二

DIY beauty

1) Homemade facial treatment
Do you think that you can beauty yourselves at your home? Actually a lot of natural material around us which can keep our perfect skin. Nowadays more and more ladies like to make things at home. Please find the youtube video as below :


Natural facial scrub
Nuts and grains are ideal to exfoliate dry skin because of their high oil content. Oatmeal, garbanzo beans and even plain sugar can also be used.
In a blender grind ½ cup oatmeal (125 ml) leaving some grit and mix with 1 plain yogurt. Apply to face gently in a circular motion. Especially treat the T-zone area of the face that includes the forehead, nose, mouth, and chin. Rinse with warm water and then with cooler water.

Green tea skin toner
Green tea is one of the most widely used non-alcoholic beverages in the world. It is also an excellent skin toner because it contains antioxidants such as Vitamins C and E which helps strengthen your skin’s natural defenses.
Boil ½ cup pure spring or distilled water. Place the tea leaves in a glass or ceramic bowl.Pour boiling water and allow to steep for 2-3 minutes. Strain the leaves and allow the liquid to cool. Apply to the face with cotton and do not rinse off.

Strawberry acne mask
Strawberries are rich in salicylic acid, the same key ingredient in many commercial acne products; honey is also known as antibacterial ingredient. Together, they make a powerful facial treatment for troubled skin.
Take ½ cup fresh strawberries, 1 egg white and 2 teaspoons of honey mix together until smooth using a blender or a fork.
To use: Spread over your face and let it dry for 20 minutes. Rinse with cool water and pat your skin dry.

Want to get more homemade facial treatment, visit as below

3) DIY Beauty
DIY gel nail
DIY Gel Nails package, you can make beautiful gel nails at your home! It is easy made and you will be the most attractive one in the party.

India Hair Henna

This henna is come from India, it is natural and give you soft hair.

Material :
Henna power (1 bag can use 4 times) ** I bought from India Shop
Egg, Rice vinegar, Tea (普洱)or coffee

1) Put boil water into Tea or Coffee, to get the liquor ** this can be colour your hair. It can colour the white hair to brown, and you can enjoy the natural smell from Tea of Coffee, I tried, very good ***
2) Soak henna overnight or for a minimum of 3 hours in an iron container (mix with tea liquor or coffee powder for better result)
3) Mix with egg, rice vinegar to the mixture. It can be enhance the nutrition
4) Apply in small sections of the hair and comb through
5) Allow to remain on hair for 2-3 hours, rinse off with water and shampoo
India Henna 印度手繪粉

The hair henna can also be a Tattoo. It is very special and creative. It is come from India traditional. It can be wash

1) Make a paste of henna in a container
2) Soak the paste for a minimum of 3-4 hours
3) Fill the paste in a cone
4) Apply the henna as per the design on hand

